Adsorption of surfactant, polymer, and organic species.Full tensor dispersion coefficient and molecular diffusion.Heterogeneous permeability and porosity.Cartesian, radial, and curvilinear grid options.Four phase (water, oil, micro emulsion, and gas).Third-order finite difference with a flux limiter.Can be used to design the most efficient surfactant remediation strategies, taking into account realistic soil and fluid properties.Does not have limits of current technology and therefore accounts for effects on surfactants on interfacial tension, surfactant phase behavior, capillary trapping, and surfactant adsorption.Demonstrates accurate physical and chemical property models.When the geochemical option is used, a large number of additional aqueous components and solid phases may be used. When electrolytes, tracers, co-solvents, polymer, and other commonly needed components are included, the number of components may be on the order of twenty or more. The number of components is variable depending on the application, but would include at least surfactant, oil, and water for surface enhanced aquifer remediation (SEAR) modeling. The balance equations are the mass conservation equations, an overall balance that determines the pressure for up to four fluid phases, and an energy balance equation to determine the temperature. The model was originally developed to model surfactant enhanced oil recovery, but modified for applications involving the use of surfactant for enhanced remediation of aquifers contaminated by NAPLs. The model is a multiphase, multi-component, three-dimensional finite-difference simulator. UTCHEM can be used to simulate a wide range of displacement processes at both the fields and laboratory scales. However, none of these models account for the effects of surfactant on interfacial tension (IFT), surfactant phase behavior, capillary number, or surfactant adsorption. Active research models promise technology that avoids at least some of the problems and limitations of many existing remediation methods.

Many conventional remediation techniques have proven to be unsuccessful or of limited success in remediating soil and groundwater contaminated by DNAPL. Dense nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) such as chlorinated solvents are among the most frequently encountered and serious types of organic contaminants. These byproducts of the industrial process represent the most common type of soil and groundwater pollutants. Industry throughout the world uses large quantities of organic liquids. Home » Technology » New Technologies » Physical Sciences » High-Speed Automated Pavement Inspections Description